Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bogoshipda chingoyah ..

Whatever I say is just going to make you feel so tired and sad right? But I know, sometimes if I'm lucky, you'll pass by my blog & maybe you will read this.

I love you, you were the one who always cheered me up no matter what. You make me smile despite whatever horrible feelings I felt. You cried with me, laugh with me, I know it's been less than a year, but you are alr part of my life.

I can be myself when I'm with you. I know I have been selfish, sucky, mean, irresponsible, breaking promises & all but you're still there for me no matter what.

I know I always act like you don't mean anything to me, but you do. You mean the world to me, I wish I had hands big enough to have both the worlds, & maybe that's a lil demanding but still, maybe yt is right. Maybe he needs both hands, but I dont care! I'll use magic to create another pair of hands to carry you as well! Please don't give up on Tiny Hands.

You showed me friendship & love, please don't take it away from me just like that.
I know I have been given many chances, but maybe my heart just isn't big enough.
I dont want to lose you! You'll always be in my heart. I'll be there for you, maybe not as your bff anymore, but just as a friend.

Thank you


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